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INCOP System: Intelligent Connection Profiling System

  INCOP System: Intelligent Connection Profiling System   Fraud introduction: Adakami divides fraud into bad intermediary fraud, negative information on the Internet, fraudulent use of others to apply for loans, data fraud, and fraud gangs. 1. Fraudulent use of others to apply for loans: Fraudsters illegally obtain other people's account numbers, passwords, ID numbers, etc., pretending to be victims to apply for loans, and profit from fraud. 2. Data fraud: Fraudsters maliciously forge false data and use these data to commit fraud. 3. Fraudulent group: a group of unscrupulous users gathered for the purpose of fraud, and fraudulent behavior in the form of a group to cheat to obtain credit. 4. Bad intermediary fraud: Some people in the gang do not use fraud as a means of profit, but a group of criminal gangs that help others to defraud and charge high handling fees as their profit method. Compared with the previous three, bad intermediary fraud is more harmful, and ...

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